Use Vocab Victor Classroom for TOEFL Preparation

For people who are learning English as a second language, understanding word meanings is extremely important. English is my second language, and I have a hard time understanding full English sentences due to not knowing a lot of English words. For example, if I do not know a specific word during a conversation or during a test, it becomes hard for me to fully understand the meaning of the whole sentence.

I was looking for an app to help me remember my own word lists for preparing my TOEFL test (Test of English as a Foreign Language). As an intern at Vocab Victor, I decided to use our Vocab Victor Mobile App, which has fun word games to provide students a relaxing but immersive studying environment. Vocab Victor is free to download!

The Goal: Prepare for TOEFL

The purpose of the TOEFL iBT test is to evaluate the English proficiency of people whose native language is not English. The test has four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. As a second language learner, the reading section is the hardest part for me, because it includes many professional words that I have never seen in daily life. I wanted to study the specific words that I needed to know for TOEFL, so I wanted to add my own word lists to the app. The new Vocab Victor Classroom app is designed for teachers to use Vocab Victor in their classes, but I was able to create personalized word lists even though I am a student!

This is convenient! I love how Vocab Victor synchronized my word lists into word games, so that I could choose words to learn directly in the games. The way that Vocab Victor allows me to use games to learn words totally increases my interest and motivation on opening an app for English learning! The following shows the specific steps I took in Vocab Victor Classroom to create my personalized word list to prepare my TOEFL test.

1. Create schools and classes

Run Vocab Victor Classroom by clicking on the Classroom menu on the Vocab Victor web site, or click here!

To begin, create an account. You will also need to create your own school by clicking NEW button on the SCHOOLS page. (Hint: It doesn’t need to be a real “school;” you can just make up a school or use your name!)

Next, create a Class (classes must belong to your school) by clicking NEW button on the CLASSES page. Again, it doesn’t need to be a real “class.” I just called mine “TOEFL Word Class.”

2. Invite yourself to join the class and create your word lists!

Invite yourself by clicking INVITE STUDENTS button on the STUDENTS page. (You will receive your class code via email!)

Open your Vocab Victor Mobile App and click JOIN CLASS (your code is already sent to your email.)

Then, start creating your own word lists by clicking the NEW button on the WORD LISTS page!

…Remember to save it!!

3. Assign your word lists to yourself and start learning words in the Vocab Victor Mobile App!

Click the ASSIGNMENTS button, then click NEW to assign your new word list.

… Again, remember to save it!

4. Now it is time to start playing word games!

Your word list words will come up automatically in Vocab Victor’s games!

You can monitor your progress here!

After using Vocab Victor Classroom, I did find it super useful to help me remember words!

by Maggie Zhang

Start your free trial now!

The Vocab Victor Classroom app runs directly from your browser! Simply click below to sign up for a free account and your free trial!

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